Living Out Our God-Given Purposes

To live out our God-given purposes, we focus on the 6 Everybody’s. These are 6 biblical principles that we want everybody at RCC to know and do.

1. Fits

Everybody fits. No matter who you are, you are welcome here.

2. Invites

Whether it’s to church or just to think about faith, RCC is a church where everyone is always invited and where everyone is invites others into the fun, joy, and meaning of following Jesus.

3. Connects

We’re made for meaningful relationships. RCC is a place to connect with God and with other people who are also doing their best to follow God.

4. Worships

Worship happens when we all sing to God together, but it’s more than that. Everybody worships at RCC by giving of their time, talents, and resources.

5. Steps

RCC’s mission to help people take their next step in developing their relationships with God. Which is why everybody is always taking their own steps toward a growing relationship with God.

6. Plays

Faith is not a spectator sport. Everybody can be used by God to make a difference in this world. With God, everyone is on the team. And God wants everybody to play, whether you’ve just started attending, or you’ve been part of RCC since the very first church service.