We're about to take a big step as a church... are you ready?

Be part of this next season in Ripon — Sign up for an RCC Team!

RCC Teams will be on the front lines of seeing the impact God will have through our church as we continue to serve & Represent Jesus Well on Sundays at our new building and in our community all week long.

What part do you want to play?

When you join a team...

... you step into a bigger story.
... you experience God working through you.
... you find a place to belong & grow.

Frequently Asked Questions (... we know you're wondering):

What RCC Teams are open? RCC Cares (Community Outreach, Prayer, or Chaplain), RCC Kids (Welcoming, Supporting, or Teaching Infant – 5th grade), RCC Media & Tech (Visual, Audio, & Lighting), RCC Student Life (Supporting & Leading Middle – High School), RCC Welcome & Connection Team (Sunday Hospitality), RCC Worship Team (Instrumental or Vocal).

What if I’m not positive I can commit? Sign up anyway to add your name to the interested list on the team you’d hope to serve on. You’ll have a chance to learn more from your team leader and ensure the RCC Team is a good fit for you. You’re not signing your life away—if it’s not the right fit, you can always try another team.

When will training happen? We’ll host an epic RCC Teams Kick-Off in October where you will be able to meet your Team Leaders, learn about all the roles, be trained and equipped for the role you’d like to serve in, and connect with other people excited to be on the team with you. That Kick-Off night in October is your one-stop-shop for anything related to Teams.

What if I can’t make the RCC Teams Kick-Off night? While we’d love for you to make every effort to be there, we understand life (and schedules!) happen. We will make sure to allow you to connect with your Team Leaders for training and information.

Do I need to know how to do what I signed up for? Nope! You’ll learn as you go, and we’ll train you for what’s needed.

How do I know if serving on an RCC Team will work well with my schedule? All Teams are flexible and you’ll have an opportunity to learn about the time commitment (anywhere from 15 minutes on a Sunday to 5 hours a week) during the Kick-Off Night when you connect with your Team Leader. We have a variety of opportunities that fit any schedule.

What if I’m already on an RCC Team? Great! You’ll still be invited to the Kick-Off Night for training as we get ready to launch our new church building.